Year 3 & 4 – Robins
Welcome to Robins Class!
Welcome to the Robins Class Page!
Year 3/4 is an important, exciting and fulfilling step on your child's journey through Salehurst C.E. School. Our aim in Year 3/4 is to increase the children's confidence, both in terms of their learning skills and emotional resilience.
In Year 3/4, every child is given the opportunity to meet their potential across the curriculum at their own pace. We provide rich learning opportunities that stimulate and broaden the children's knowledge, skills and understanding.
Our curriculum is topic based. This year, our first topic in Autumn Term is 'Invaders and Settlers'. In Spring Term we will be learning about Africa and finally, in Summer Term we will learn about Food and Farming.
We aim to include an educational visit or enrichment day for each topic which will immerse the children in their learning.
In Year 3/4, we encourage independence of thought, word and deed so that the children become confident, positive individuals.
This year we want to establish an ethos in the classroom where all children are READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. Parents have a crucial role in supporting this and we are keen to work together with parents to ensure all children are able to make positive choices about their behaviour for learning.
Key Information
- The Year 3 teachers are Miss Weiss, who will be teaching Monday - Thursday, and Mrs Smith who will teach on Fridays.
- The Teaching Assistants are Mrs Clewley and Miss Boast who will be in class on Monday - Friday Mornings.
- PE will usually take place on Mondays and Wednesdays but please could they keep their kit in school all week. Their PE kit should include warm joggers as we will try to be outdoors if the weather allows. Please could the children also remove their earrings on PE days. However, if that isn't possible, please could they bring surgical tape to put over their earrings.
- We are always available to talk to parents about any concerns or questions they may have after school. You can leave messages at the office for us, which are passed on promptly to us in the classroom.
- In the Summer term, all Year 4 children will take part in the National multiplication check. The teaching of times tables is a fundamental element of the maths curriculum and we will be working with parents to support home learning.
- Reading 5 times per week signed by an adult to enter the Reading Raffle.
- Times table sheet set on a Friday and practice ready for a test on Thursday.
- TT Rockstars aim for at least 5 minutes per day.
- Spellings set on a Monday on paper or via Spelling Shed, practice ready for a test on Monday.
What are we learning about now?
Click on this link to see all about what we are learning this term.
Fun things to do online!
Compassion, Courage, Friendship, Respect
"Let all that you do be done in love”
1 Corinthians 16:14