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Salehurst C of E Primary School

Let all that you do be done in Love. – 1 Corinthians – 16:14.

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Wraparound Care - breakfast and after school clubs


5:20 Club - Our after school provision, known as the 5:20 Club, is very popular and a great facility for children whose parents are unable to collect them at the end of the day. The club is open to all ages and runs from Monday to Friday, 3.30 to 5.20 pm. The children enjoy a range of activities including art and craft, games, puzzles, computers, gardening and outdoor play. Miss Knight co-ordinates the club, with support from other staff.  The costs can be found in the Terms and Conditions document above. 


Please speak to Miss Knight, either by email, or in person at school, if you would like more information. 


Breakfast Club - this runs daily from 8:00 am - A healthy breakfast is served, ie wholegrain cereals, wholemeal toast/muffins/bagels plus fruit juice or milk.  Costs can be found in the Terms and Conditions above.


Please speak to Miss Knight, either by email, or in person at school, if you would like more information. 

Wraparound Care email enquiry form for Breakfast or After School 5:20 Club
