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Salehurst C of E Primary School

Let all that you do be done in Love. – 1 Corinthians – 16:14.

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Year 2 – Falcons

Teacher - Mrs Calvert (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and Mrs Avard (Wednesday morning)

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Bird (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) and Mrs P (Friday)


Hello, and welcome to Year 2!

In Year 2 we continue to build on children's independence, where we focus on teamwork, having a go and the love of learning. We strive to build happy, confident and resilient learners ready to transition into Key Stage 2.


This year we want to establish an ethos in our class which is then reflected throughout the school. We want all children to be READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. Parents have a very important role in supporting this and we are keen to work together with parents to ensure children are able to make positive choices about their behaviour for learning.


We are always available to talk to parents/carers about any concerns or questions they may have after school. You can leave messages at the office for us, which are passed on promptly to the classroom. 


We have a very exciting curriculum planned for Year 2 and this year our first topic is Antarctica. Topics for the rest of the year are as follows-

Term 2- Toys

Term 3- The Great Fire of London

Term 4- Weather

Term 5 and 6- Seaside




Our PE days are on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure PE kits are kept in school. Their kit should include warm joggers as we will try to be outdoors whenever possible.

Home Learning


Reading -Children should read to an adult at least 3 times a week. Each child has a pack with their reading diary and their reading books in, including a book to read for pleasure. These need to come into school everyday and on a Monday, we will aim to check the reading journals to reward stickers, read any comments made and also give children the opportunity to change their books. As well as signing in reading journals, children need to get their reading raffles signed for a chance to win a free book! Happy reading!   


Spellings - Children will get weekly spellings sent home, starting in Term 2. Children should practise their spellings as often as possible. Their spellings will consist of a different spelling pattern each week or common exception words. 


Maths Home Learning- Each child has been given a log in for Numbots which can be found in the back of their reading diary. Please can children go on Numbots as often as possible, even if it's just 5 minutes everyday. This will enable children to develop core maths skills as well as practising their instant recall of number facts.




Our 3-D Playground Designs
